A Guide to Diamonds

A Guide to Diamonds

If you’re planning on getting engaged, or you just want to buy a beautiful piece of jewellery, then you’re probably thinking about diamonds. The truth is that there is a huge array of diamonds available, and it can quickly become overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Here is a guide to diamonds will help you cut through the confusion and find the perfect diamond for you.

When it comes to diamonds, there are four main things you will need to think about. These are commonly referred to in the jewellery business as the 4 Cs let's explore these in our guide to Diamonds
  • cut
  • clarity
  • carat
  • colour
Whilst you don’t need to obsess about these, it’s these categories that are used to grade diamonds, so you’ll need to know a little about them when you’re diamond shopping.

A guide to diamonds - Cut

The cut of the diamond is probably the first thing you notice about it and refers to the shape. Uncut stones usually don’t look like anything special – it’s the cutting process that turns them into the stunning diamonds that catch your eye. A guide to Diamonds by Bianca Jones


Natural diamonds are formed deep underground, so they will often contain imperfections due to the heat and pressure they’re exposed to. These minor imperfections are referred to as ‘inclusions’. Many of the inclusions will be far too tiny for most of us to spot, but they’re visible to the trained eye. The clarity of a diamond is graded according to the number of inclusions. A flawless diamond is completely free of inclusions.  When it comes to clarity, it’s best to go with your instincts. It’s good to understand how the grading scale works, but you shouldn’t focus on the numbers too much. If a diamond appeals to you, then go with it!  A guide to Diamonds by Bianca Jones


Similar to gold, diamonds are graded according to their carat. With diamonds, the carat tells you how much the diamond weighs.  One carat is equal to 0.2 grams. So, a heavier diamond will have a higher carat. Bear in mind that the carat should be considered alongside all the other Cs when it comes to choosing your perfect diamond. A diamond with a high carat grading may not be as high quality overall as a lighter diamond. A guide to Diamonds by Bianca Jones
Did you know that diamonds can naturally occur in various colours?  Colourless diamonds are actually the most expensive. This is because the lack of colour allows it to give off that classic sharp and crisp sparkle. Diamond colour is graded from D to Z, with D being completely colourless and diamonds graded Z showing the most colour. A guide to Diamonds by Bianca Jones It’s possible to find diamonds in yellows, pinks, blues and even champagne. So, if you’re looking for something that will really stand out from the crowd, then a coloured diamond would be the perfect choice. Choosing the perfect diamond is such a personal thing. That’s why you should always trust your instincts. It’s good to know how diamonds are graded. But focus on which diamond calls to you when you’re on the hunt for the perfect piece of diamond jewellery.