Opals: The Unique Gemstone with a Kaleidoscope of Colours

Opals: A Guide to the Unique and Colourful Gemstone
Opals are a popular choice for couples seeking something different from the traditional diamond ring. These one-of-a-kind gemstones are renowned for their unique patterns and stunning rainbow of colours.
Bianca Jones bespoke opal rose gold ring with diamonds, radiating a blend of timeless romance and luxury
The word ‘opal’ comes from the ancient Indian Sanskrit word ‘upala,’ meaning ‘precious stone,’ and from the Greek word ‘opallios,’ meaning ‘to see a change in colour.’ Opals are indeed precious, with their colours shifting in different lights. They form when rainwater gets trapped inside layers of sedimentary rocks, leaving behind silica deposits as the water evaporates. These deposits create the stunning, multi-coloured effect seen in opals.
Bianca Jones bespoke opal rose gold ring with diamonds, radiating a blend of timeless romance and luxury
Often referred to as the ‘Queen of Gems,’ opals are incredibly beautiful and entirely unique. Each stone boasts its own distinct pattern and luminosity, making opals the perfect choice for those who want a piece of jewellery that is truly inimitable. The mysterious beauty of opals, combined with their captivating colours, makes them a popular and meaningful choice.

The Ancient Greeks believed opals provided strong protection against disease and wore them as a symbol of strength. For the Romans, opals were the most precious and powerful stones, often given as gifts to bring good luck. In the Middle Ages, opals were thought to make their owners invisible when wrapped in a bay leaf. Bedouins believed that opals fell from the sky during thunderstorms, capturing lightning within them. The play of colours in opals easily explains this enchanting myth.
Bianca Jones bespoke opal rose gold ring with diamonds, radiating a blend of timeless romance and luxury
The Meaning and Symbolism of Opals Today
Opals are said to inspire creativity and symbolise loyalty, making them an ideal choice for engagement rings. Their unique beauty and rich history make opals a distinctive and meaningful choice for anyone seeking a precious gemstone that stands out from the rest.

If you’re looking for something different, an opal may be the perfect choice. Get in contact to discover the timeless allure of this extraordinary gemstone.
Bianca Jones bespoke opal rose gold ring with diamonds, radiating a blend of timeless romance and luxury.