The Joy of Developing and Producing My Packaging

The Joy of Developing and Producing My Packaging

One of the real highlights of my journey has been developing and producing the packaging for my jewellery. I’ve shared before about how the concept and designs came together, thanks to the creative collaboration with my talented friend, illustrator Tessa Dunlop. It was such an exciting process, from the initial brainstorming to seeing our ideas take shape.

Once we had the prototypes ready, I got a great tip from Studio 10 1/2 about a fantastic printing company based in Bermondsey. The entire experience was incredibly rewarding. From choosing the perfect paper and selecting the exact colours for the final runs, to actually watching the envelopes and postcards being printed—it was a creative adventure I enjoyed every step of the way.

And now, after seeing the beautiful results, I can’t help but feel inspired to do it all over again! The thrill of bringing a vision to life and seeing it through to the final product is something I’ll never tire of.