What are the Different Styles of Wedding Rings?

Knowing which wedding ring to choose can sometimes be surprisingly baffling. What’s more, you might find that the idea you had in your head doesn’t look as good once you see it on your finger. 

And for men, choosing a wedding ring can be even more problematic as they might not be used to wearing any jewellery whatsoever. I’ve put together some tips to help you navigate the unknown territory that can be choosing your wedding ring. 

The first thing to note when choosing a wedding ring to match an engagement ring is that wedding bands typically look well when they match the shoulders of the engagement ring they are sat next to. This means that the width and depth of both bands should be as similar as possible. For a bit of variety, or to show off your personality, it’s becoming very popular to have a jewelled wedding ring these days, and sometimes a jewelled wedding ring can really highlight the stones and setting of your engagement ring.

You might also want to start thinking about whether or not you want your wedding ring to match your engagement ring exactly, in which case you might want to buy them (or have them handmade) as a set. Another essential point to note is that you should wear the same metal as your engagement ring so that the harder metal doesn’t wear away at a softer metal. That said, the two of you don’t need to have rings made of the same metal as each other. If your spouse-to-be likes Yellow Gold, but you prefer Platinum, then be bold and mix it up. 

There are three main types of wedding ring that are suitable for both men and women: plain, diamond and gemstone. Plain wedding bands, as the name suggests, lack any gems, but they might be textured or embellished in another way, such as containing an inlay of a different coloured metal. A diamond wedding band is finished with diamonds that go either all or part of the way around the band. The diamonds might also be set in different ways, such as ‘channel, shared prong, bar, pave, bezel and flush mount’. Finally, a gemstone wedding band is a very elaborate choice, containing coloured gemstones such as emeralds or sapphires.

A gemstone wedding band is a great way to show off your personality and creativity. There is as much choice when buying a wedding ring as there is when purchasing an engagement ring and, as with choosing an engagement ring, choosing a custom wedding band is a fabulous way to celebrate your commitment to one another in a completely unique way. Pop over to my gallery to see the custom wedding ring options on offer.